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Acoustic instruments currently produced overseas. Instruments previously produced in Neptune, NJ. Kramer Guitars is currently a division of Gibson Musical Instruments, located in Nashville, TN. Distributed worldwide by
For a full history on Kramer, please refer to the Blue Book of Electric Guitars. In the late 1980s, Kramer introduced acoustic models that were designed by Danny Ferrington. These were produced until about 1991. In 1995, Kramer introduced a new line of guitars, but they did not last very long. In 1997, the Gibson corporation acquired the Kramer trademark. By 1998, Gibson was displaying Kramer trademarked models at the Summer NAMM industry show, and ads in the print media followed a month later. Gibson did not pay much attention to Kramer for the rest of the 1990s and early 2000s. In 2006, at Winter NAMM, Kramer displayed a full line of guitars in their own booth -- located not even close to Gibson! Kramer produces several replicas of their old guitars overseas, as well as a few reissue models in the U.S. For more information, contact Kramer directly or visit their website (see Trademark Index).